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Crystals for home decor

Crystals for home decor

Crystals for home decor

Crystals for home decor

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Kalifano Amethyst Amethyst Geode Door Handle / Towel Rack withStainless Steel Case - 43.5" BAG-DH-7200Kalifano Amethyst Amethyst Geode Door Handle / Towel Rack withStainless Steel Case - 43.5" BAG-DH-7200
KALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Brass Horse with Kyanite Cluster on Marble Base HG1110-KYKALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Brass Horse with Kyanite Cluster on Marble Base HG1110-KY
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 13"/ 11 lbs - (Better Quality) UAG3000-BKalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 13"/ 11 lbs - (Better Quality) UAG3000-B
NEWAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 14" / 35.6lbsAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 14" / 35.6lbs
NEWAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 15" / 29.9lbsAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 15" / 29.9lbs
NEWAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 19" / 50.2lbsAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 19" / 50.2lbs
NEWAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 13" / 24.2lbsAmethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 13" / 24.2lbs
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 1930 grams / 3 in. SQ1800.013Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 1930 grams / 3 in. SQ1800.013
Clearance!Kalifano Citrine Citrine Geode - 83kg /183 LBS - Brazil BCG48000.001Kalifano Citrine Citrine Geode - 83kg /183 LBS - Brazil BCG48000.001
Citrine Geode - 83kg /183 LBS - Brazil Precio de oferta$7,200.00 Precio normal$12,000.00 $24,000.00
Kalifano Black Tourmaline Raw Black Tourmaline and Mica Log 19" / 27.6lbs BT2000.009Kalifano Black Tourmaline Raw Black Tourmaline and Mica Log 19" / 27.6lbs BT2000.009
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 16" / 26 lbs SQ5800.001Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 16" / 26 lbs SQ5800.001
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 18" / 22 lbs UAG10000.004Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 18" / 22 lbs UAG10000.004
KALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Double Terminated Clear Quartz Point on Brass Jewelry Box HG1531B-QZKALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Double Terminated Clear Quartz Point on Brass Jewelry Box HG1531B-QZ
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand  - 13" / 11 lbs (Good Quality) UAG2000-CKalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand  - 13" / 11 lbs (Good Quality) UAG2000-C
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 14" / 11 lbs - (Best Quality) UAG4000-AKalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 14" / 11 lbs - (Best Quality) UAG4000-A
KALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Kyanite Flowers with Amethyst Center on Brass Stem on Marble Base HG1022A-KYKALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Kyanite Flowers with Amethyst Center on Brass Stem on Marble Base HG1022A-KY
Kalifano Crystal Home Decor Black Marble Jewelry Box with Smoky Quartz Cluster HG1444B-SQKalifano Crystal Home Decor Black Marble Jewelry Box with Smoky Quartz Cluster HG1444B-SQ
Kalifano Gemstone Carvings Fire Quartz Gemstone Heart Carving - 3.75" GH500-FQKalifano Gemstone Carvings Fire Quartz Gemstone Heart Carving - 3.75" GH500-FQ
Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite Polished Freeform Specimen from Congo - 24.7 kg / 54.5 lbs MA15400.001Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite Polished Freeform Specimen from Congo - 24.7 kg / 54.5 lbs MA15400.001
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 7.3 lbs / 11.5 in. UAG1700.018Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 7.3 lbs / 11.5 in. UAG1700.018
Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuil Cube from Afghanistan - 660 g / 1.5 lbs LP700.007Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuil Cube from Afghanistan - 660 g / 1.5 lbs LP700.007
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 14" / 30.9 lbs SQ7800.003Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 14" / 30.9 lbs SQ7800.003
Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 26" / 42 lbs UAG19200.002Kalifano Amethyst Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 26" / 42 lbs UAG19200.002
Kalifano Libyan Desert Glass Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 94 g LG1900.001Kalifano Libyan Desert Glass Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 94 g LG1900.001
Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 94 g Precio de oferta$475.00
KALIFANO Love Birds Carvings Peter Muller Rose Quartz Flamingo Couple Carving on Agate Geode Base LB.B235.003KALIFANO Love Birds Carvings Peter Muller Rose Quartz Flamingo Couple Carving on Agate Geode Base LB.B235.003
Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite with Blue Chrysocolla Freeform Specimen from Congo - 0.7 kg / 1.5 lbs MAC700.004Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite with Blue Chrysocolla Freeform Specimen from Congo - 0.7 kg / 1.5 lbs MAC700.004
Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuli Freeform from Afghanistan - 7" / 1,840 grams LP1850.001Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuli Freeform from Afghanistan - 7" / 1,840 grams LP1850.001
Kalifano Crystal Home Decor Marble Jewelry Box with Quartz Cluster HG1420B-QZKalifano Crystal Home Decor Marble Jewelry Box with Quartz Cluster HG1420B-QZ
Kalifano Amethyst Natural Brazilian Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 37 in / 130 lbs BAG16000.003Kalifano Amethyst Natural Brazilian Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 37 in / 130 lbs BAG16000.003
Large Bismuth Geode Precio de oferta$450.00
Kalifano Citrine Natural Citrine Cluster from Brazil on Custom Stand - 55” / 291 lbs CP196000.001Kalifano Citrine Natural Citrine Cluster from Brazil on Custom Stand - 55” / 291 lbs CP196000.001
Kalifano Libyan Desert Glass Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 58 g LG1200.001Kalifano Libyan Desert Glass Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 58 g LG1200.001
Libyan Desert Glass Tektite - 58 g Precio de oferta$300.00
Kalifano Malachite Chrysocolla Skull Carving 3" / 219g SK1000-CRY.001Kalifano Malachite Chrysocolla Skull Carving 3" / 219g SK1000-CRY.001
Chrysocolla Skull Carving 3" / 219g Precio de oferta$250.00
Kalifano Amethyst Amethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 16" / 29.5 lbs BAG5000.003Kalifano Amethyst Amethyst Geode Cathedral from Brazil - 16" / 29.5 lbs BAG5000.003
Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuli Freeform from Afghanistan - 5" / 834 grams LP850.001Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuli Freeform from Afghanistan - 5" / 834 grams LP850.001
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil on Custom Stand - 51" / 88 kg SQ36000.004Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil on Custom Stand - 51" / 88 kg SQ36000.004
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 730 grams - 780 grams SQ700Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 730 grams - 780 grams SQ700
Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuil Freeform from Afghanistan - 580 g / 1.3 lbs LP700.008Kalifano Lapis Lapis Lazuil Freeform from Afghanistan - 580 g / 1.3 lbs LP700.008
Kalifano Nephrite Jade Freeform Nephrite Jade Tower from Afghanistan - 24" / 46 lbs NJ16550.001Kalifano Nephrite Jade Freeform Nephrite Jade Tower from Afghanistan - 24" / 46 lbs NJ16550.001
KALIFANO Love Birds Carvings Peter Muller Sugilite Hummingbird Family Carving on Quartz Cluster Base LB.22000.001KALIFANO Love Birds Carvings Peter Muller Sugilite Hummingbird Family Carving on Quartz Cluster Base LB.22000.001
Kalifano Love Birds Carvings Obsidian, Ocean Jasper, Rhodochrosite, & Yellow Quartz Acorn Woodpecker Love Bird Carving on Quartz Cluster & Tourmaline Base LB.12351.001Kalifano Love Birds Carvings Obsidian, Ocean Jasper, Rhodochrosite, & Yellow Quartz Acorn Woodpecker Love Bird Carving on Quartz Cluster & Tourmaline Base LB.12351.001
Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 1010 grams / 4 in. SQ900.011Kalifano Smoky Quartz Smoky Quartz Cluster from Brazil - 1010 grams / 4 in. SQ900.011
KALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Brass Hummingbird on Marble Base with Agate Geode HG1633-AGKALIFANO Crystal Home Decor Brass Hummingbird on Marble Base with Agate Geode HG1633-AG
Kalifano Rose Quartz Rose Quartz Twist Flame - 5.5" / 875g CBF600-RQKalifano Rose Quartz Rose Quartz Twist Flame - 5.5" / 875g CBF600-RQ
Rose Quartz Twist Flame - 5.5" / 875g Precio de oferta$150.00
Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite Polished Freeform Specimen from Congo - 15.3 kg / 33.7 lbs MA9700.001Kalifano Malachite Rare Natural Green Malachite Polished Freeform Specimen from Congo - 15.3 kg / 33.7 lbs MA9700.001
Bismuth Heart - 4.5" Precio de oferta$200.00
Kalifano Amethyst Bolivian Amethyst Point Cluster - 13" / 12 kg BA7900.002Kalifano Amethyst Bolivian Amethyst Point Cluster - 13" / 12 kg BA7900.002
Kalifano Amethyst Large Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 10" / 5.5 lbs - B Grade UAG900-CKalifano Amethyst Large Uruguayan Amethyst Geode on Custom Stand - 10" / 5.5 lbs - B Grade UAG900-C