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Petrified Wood
30% Off

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood forms when fallen trees get washed down rivers and buried under layers of ash from volcanoes, mud, and other minerals. As the wood is sealed, the rotting wood is deprived from oxygen: this prevents the wood from decaying. As the organic tissue in the wood decays, silica fills the voids of the tree, forming it into rock. In other words, it petrifies. 

Our Petrified Wood is 100% authentic and is found all over the world in places like Madagascar, Indonesia, and the USA.

Petrified Wood

30% Off
Petrified Wood

Petrified wood forms when fallen trees get washed down rivers and buried under layers of ash from volcanoes, mud, and other minerals. As the wood is sealed, the rotting wood is deprived from oxygen: this prevents the wood from decaying. As the organic tissue in the wood decays, silica fills the voids of the tree, forming it into rock. In other words, it petrifies. 

Our Petrified Wood is 100% authentic and is found all over the world in places like Madagascar, Indonesia, and the USA.

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